Code of Conduct
Our mission statement
Consistency and reliability
Historically, we have been building long-term and collaborative relationships with our customers and suppliers through Consistency, Reliability and Predictability. These are also our principles for future business operations. Verbal and written commitments or letters of intent to customers and suppliers are fulfilled by all employees.
Our company focuses on a long-term strategy; however, we regularly check its effectiveness and adapt it to the ever-changing environment.
Each of our employees is firmly devoted to achieving and ensuring the highest quality and top standards for our products and services. Every employee acknowledges that the guarantee of the final product quality is an all-embracing task across all departments. In terms of our ISO standards, we test the quality of our products not just at the end of the manufacturing process, but we control it right from the beginning. We constantly adopt and endorse the latest technologies and innovations to deliver maximum benefits to our customers.
Customer Relations
Our company follows the principle of a close partnership with our customers.
This includes, among others:
We handle all sales transactions quickly and to the fullest satisfaction of our customers.
We support our customers in solving technical and commercial problems.
We closely monitor all important trends in the relevant sales and purchasing markets, identify new technical- and consumer- related market developments at their early stage and effectively respond by introducing product improvements, product innovations, modifications in technical and organizational procedures and new purchasing arrangements.
Environmental Protection
The aspect of Environmental Protection is now fully integrated into the company’s policy as a matter of course. The products sustainability through employing the latest environmental technology and using resources efficiently is a special focus in all our business and production processes. We maintain ecological standards in packaging production at the highest level, both in terms of recycling materials and reducing energy consumption as much as possible. Environmental responsibility doesn’t cover only technical aspects but also all related organizational processes in the company, as well as consulting customers on specific ecological issues.
We believe in our employees and respect their individuality. We value high levels of employee performance, integrity and complete loyalty to the company. We support efficient and motivated employees.
Our duty is to sustain a profitable company to ensure successful operations for our clients and ensure job security for our employees.